2022 Assateague Family Trip date_range Published on Last updatedAugust 3, 2022August 3, 2022 by Paul Sachs Paul Sachs Paoli 1 https://paoli1.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/P1-Logo-with-Background-v4.png Assateague National Seashore is a wonderful family experience! We look forward to having you with us. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Are you a/an ScoutAdult Are you interested in attending Assateague on August 24-28, 2022? YesNo How many from your family will be attending Assateague? Adults Teens Kids Do you have/do any of the following Food AllergyEnvironmental Allergy (bee sting, etc)Carry an Epi-Pen Please explain: Any special requirements, travel needs or note to the organizers? The site is open to us at 3 pm on Wed, Aug 24. We assume that attendees will stay through Sunday late morning to help break camp. Please indicate when you expect to arrive. E.g., Thurs / Dinner … Friday / Lunch Day Meal NOTE: This form is an indication of interest. We will contact you with more information about meals before requiring your commitment. Δ