2017 Climbing Training Reservations date_range Published on Last updatedFebruary 6, 2017January 6, 2016 by Paul Sachs Paul Sachs Paoli 1 https://paoli1.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/P1-Logo-with-Background-v4.png Climbing classes will take place later this spring. The open potential dates for climbing between now and July 1 include: April 29, 30; June 4, 18. These are potential dates. Please use the form below to indicate which can work for you. The general program structure is one indoor training class and two outdoor training classes. Scouts who sign up for training will be committing to the whole program. Since spaces are valuable, we need you to commit to full training. (No partials) The purpose of this sign-up is to hold your spot and make sure we have your email contact info. If we get enough interest for a class, we will confirm the details out to you in advance. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) I am a/an: ScoutAdult I took the training last year, 2016, and I am interested in climbing: YesNo I have not been trained, but I am interested in the Climbing training and would like to reserve a spot: YesNo For me, the following dates work well: April 29 YesNo April 30 YesNo June 4 YesNo June 18 YesNo Any special requirements, travel needs or note to the organizers? Δ