9/4 Tue 7pm cabin – PLC meeting at the cabin 7pm (for staff, patrol leaders, asst. patrol leaders)
9/14 Fri 7pm cabin – Pack 112 bonfire at Paoli 1 grounds
9/15 Sat 7am-5pm – Rafting/kayaking on the Lehigh
9/21 Fri 6pm cabin – Pack 47 bonfire and campout at Paoli 1 grounds
9/22 Sat 3pm cabin – 1st patrol meeting (all patrols)
9/22 Sat 4pm cabin – Troop meeting with overnight (everyone)
9/23 Sun 3pm cabin – Board of Review
9/24 Mon 7:30pm cabin – Troop Committee meeting (committee and open to parents)
9/28-30 OA Weekend at Horseshoe (old and new OA members)
10/5-7 Troop camping – Hickory Run State Park