2024/25 Kayak Roll Training Sign-up date_range Published on Last updatedJanuary 10, 2025January 10, 2025 by Paul Sachs Paul Sachs Paoli 1 https://paoli1.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/P1-Logo-with-Background-v4.png We're pretty sure you will love kayaking! Kayak training takes place Saturday afternoons, 12 ~ 5 PM. We leave the Cabin by ~12:30, get to Penn Charter Pool on School House Lane, practice from 1 to 4, and are back to the Cabin about 5 pm. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) I am a/an: ScoutAdult I affirm that I am a qualified swimmer (Blue Tag at Scout camp, or better): YesNo I am interested in attending Roll Training in general: YesNo I want to go on these dates: Saturday, January 25: YesNo Saturday, February 8: YesNo . . . We are good for First Aid Meet Saturday, February 15: YesNo . . . Note - Assumes you are not skiing Saturday, March 1: YesNo . . . We are good for the Family Dinner! Saturday, March 8: YesNo You probably want to go three times to get a good handle on the skill! (You can change your mind later on, if desired. Just come back here and submit a new entry.) Here is the general drill: - You sign up on this page. We send you an email confirming details and covering all you need to know (what to wear, what to bring, timing, etc.) - On the Thursday before each session, we finalize who is going that Saturday. - We guarantee you will be exhausted and have a great time! - We leave the Cabin at 12:30 PM sharp! Note: On the day of the First Aid meet, we might run 30 minutes later - to be discussed Any special requirements, travel needs or note to the organizers? Δ